SCDI community support 
Marginalized populations
Populations that are social stigma, less likely to benefit from health, social, educational and legal public policies and programs
Vulnerable populations
Populations that are disproportionately affected by diseases, poverty, injustice and lack of development opportunities
Among many populations that are at disadvantage for development, the following populations are identified by SCDI as both vulnerable and marginalized:
Undocumented people
Vulnerable and marginalized children and youth
Ethnic minorities living in remote areas
People who Use Drugs (PUD) and their families
Sex Workers (SW) and their children
Homeless people and slum dwellers
People who experienced incarceration, including ex-prisoners and other people released detention and their families
Poor people including urban poor and landless rural people
People of sexual minorities and non-conforming gender identity (LGBTAIQ+)
People Living with HIV (PLHIV) and their families
Enabling environment
Social mobilization
Community-based interventions
Focusing interventions on our selected provinces
to create impacts
Growing our team and networks
Our overarching goal
End AIDS, TB and Malaria in our focused provinces
End AIDS, TB and Malaria in our focused provinces
Information update in progress
To achieve Universal Health Coverage
To achieve Universal Health Coverage
Information update in progress
To achieve Universal Secondary School Education
To achieve Universal Secondary School Education
Information update in progress
To eliminate Extreme Poverty
To eliminate Extreme Poverty
Information update in progress
To protect human rights of everyone
To protect human rights of everyone
Information update in progress
To reduce practices harmful to the environment
To reduce practices harmful to the environment
Information update in progress